Climb Toubkal

How to Climb Toubkal & Ensure Your Summit

Many people spend a lot of time and money training and equipping themselves for a Toubkal climb or Climb Toubkal, only to fail in their objective of reaching the summit. Failure is avoidable, and we really want trekkers to understand how to prevent it.

Why a climb on Toubkal’s standard two day route often results in failure

Poor acclimatisation is frequently the cause of failure on the standard two-day route of Mount Toubkal. However, this can be prevented by following a proper and safe acclimatisation process. Trying to rush the process within two days may lead to failure to reach the summit. Team Toubkal takes all the necessary precautions to ensure that each climber is adequately acclimatised and safe.

Most people suffer needlessly from AMS when they climb Toubkal

As a result, a large number of trekkers who undertake a Toubkal hike end up dealing with the severe and hazardous symptoms of acute mountain sickness (AMS) during their journey to the summit, which is completely avoidable. This condition can cause mild headaches and nausea, leading trekkers to descend instead of continuing upwards, ruining their otherwise amazing wilderness experience in one of the world’s most stunning and intriguing topographical landmarks. Moreover, many trekkers are unable to reach the summit at all.

How to ensure you’ll summit when you climb Toubkal

So, anyone wanting to climb Toubkal and to reach the summit safely needs to prioritise the very same considerations that Team Toubkal prioritises when assisting Toubkal climbers: 

  • Ensuring safe and thorough acclimatisation
  • Preserving strength and endurance for a successful summit bid
  • Ensuring the methods developed and advocated by the operation’s leadership are fully disseminated to chief mountain guides and that precise movements on the mountain are reported and monitored by the leadership

Be totally convinced of the merits of your climb route & ascent strategy

Instead of blindly accepting the suggestions of a tour operator or a vague explanation of their mountain climbing techniques, it is crucial for climbers to persistently inquire about the logic behind the operator’s recommendations and strategy. It is important to scrutinise this reasoning carefully and not settle for a superficial evaluation of the justifications provided for their suggestions.

It is necessary to invest the required time to understand some of the basic principles of selecting a route, acclimatisation techniques, preserving physical stamina, maintaining communication between guides and leaders, and ensuring direct and continuous operational supervision.

Want to climb Toubkal successfully? Study some alpine fundamentals

We cannot emphasise enough the importance of this. We have encountered numerous climbers who, having failed their first attempt at Toubkal, come to us seeking a second try. These climbers had previously followed the recommendation of a local tour operator who appeared to have no genuine interest in fully understanding all the factors that lead to a successful summit. Alternatively, they may have chosen a seemingly well-organised foreign agent who failed to scrutinise the logical framework of the local operator they subcontracted their climbs to and simply went along with the flow.

To Climb Toubkal Get in Touch with Team Toubkal Today

So, if you’re thinking of climbing Toubkal and want to ensure with the greatest degree of certainty reasonably possible, that your investment in emotional and mental focus, training, equipment, flights, visas, and climb costs has the best possible chance of being realised and reaping the unforgettable rewards that every esteemed Team Toubkal climber deserves, please contact us.

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